Southern Choctaw High School is a comprehensive school consisting of grades 7-12. The school is now located in Gilbertown, Alabama. SCHS was on its original site in Silas, Alabama since 1920, but has now moved to a new campus seven miles north on highway 17. Until 1996, Southern Choctaw High School consisted of grades 9-12. At that time all the schools in the south end of the county were consolidated into two schools with Southern Choctaw receiving the seventh and eighth grades.
SCHS is SACS accredited.
The curriculum offered by SCHS adheres to the Alabama Core Curriculum. It includes academic, vocational, and special education courses as well as offerings in fine arts and computer science. The curriculum includes advanced courses in mathematics, science, social science, English, and Spanish.
Our Mission is to provide a quality education of all students who will become productive citizens in our ever-changing society.
10941 Highway 17, Gilbertown, AL 36908